Many ShopStyle APIs, such as the products API, return a subset of the total number of possible results. This subset is called a page of results. Further pages of results can be retrieved by adding the limit and offset parameters, described above, to your api call.
To see how many possible results there are and which page of results you currently have, look at the metadata object in the JSON response returned by the api call. Here's an example from a call to the products API:
{ "metadata": { "offset": 0, "limit": 10, "total": 8046, ... }, "products": [...] }
{ "metadata": { "offset": 10, "limit": 10, "total": 8046, ... }, "products": [...] }
If, instead, we wanted to get the first 50 results, we would add &offset=0&limit=50 to our api call, and so on.
Note that most ShopStyle APIs have a maximum number of results that can be requested. For example, the products API currently has a maximum limit of 5,000 products. The total displayed in the metadata object shows all possible results, even though you may not be able to retrieve them all. The limit is 750 requests per minute.