Create a signature look for your photographs. Keep it original and high-quality!
Write clearly and concisely. Readers love lists and bullet points, too!
Make sure that your blog or channel is aesthetically pleasing and easy to navigate.
Feature original photography, artwork, or collages to inspire and build trust based on your product recommendations.
Relate to your audience
Think about your favorite creators. Do you feel like you know the person behind the content? Consider doing the same with your own content!
Don't just be a name that signs off--be a personality, get to know your readers, and be relatable. Beyond sharing outfit, home, workout, cooking--or the general topic of your brand--bring your audience into your life and exploring common ground they can relate to.
Call out items in your posts that are on sale and post to items in your readers' price bracket. Understand what price point attracts high engagement.
Be authentic and genuine! Your content will resonate more with your audience if it's unique and special to you. Build trust with your audience and let them get to know you! Once they know more about you and your style, you'll become their go-to for inspiration and tips.
Ask Questions
Asking questions is the best way to connect with your audience. "Talking at" your readers can come off as insincere and is also easier to ignore! Asking a question shows that you value their thoughts and want to get to know more.
Take it a step further and loop your audience into your blogging process. Ask what they'd love to see more of or what they most look forward to about your content and follow up by taking action based on their feedback.
Connect with your Audience
Blog consistently and regularly to engage your users in your original content. Readers love getting to know more about the blogger and connections drive sales! Check out third-party scheduling services to plan out your posts.
Know your audience and include items that are at an obtainable price point.
Reply to comments and questions you receive!
Regularly share product links on social media including Instagram, Pinterest, Facebook, and Twitter.
Try New Strategies
If your posting habits follow a strict pattern or you just want to try out something different, consider new tactics.
Go Live on Instagram for the first time or post a story if you've never done so.
Add a weekly round-up or expand to a new category, like beauty or fitness.
Don't Always be Selling
Last, but not least, don't always be selling!
As creator The Work Edit puts it, "Seems counterintuitive, but if you're always sponsoring and always selling, your readers will start to feel like you only want them for their money. Start conversations in the comments, on your Facebook. Post about your life. Post thought-provoking content. Post something that isn't monetized to build engagement. You might lose a few dollars today, but you'll gain so much in the future."