Editing a Look:
- Go to your Looks and click on the one you'd like to edit
- In the upper left-hand corner, select what you want to edit/delete: Photo, Product, Details, or click Back
To add or delete products:
- Go to Add Products page
- Hover over items in the left-hand column to delete
- Search for items or hover over items displayed to add
- Select Next and Update
- No need to update the code after hitting update--it will auto-update
Deleting a Look:
- You can delete a Look by going to your Looks and clicking on the trash bin icon
Editing and deleting Collections:
- To delete a Collection from your blog, please remove the Collection code from your blog. This Collection will still live in your ShopStyle Collective account, but will not be visible externally
- If you don't want to see this Collection in your account, un-assign old Looks from the Collection and re-assign new ones to it--essentially repurposing the Collection to be totally new. Go to Looks > select the Look > uncheck the Collection the Looks is assigned to in the Add Details tab
Rename your Collections:
- Go to your Collections
Edit the name (internal only) and what displays on your Look here: